The DiRT on Chaos Engineering @ Google - Prerequisites for Chaos Engineering
GOTOpia Chaos Engineering Day 2021

Thursday Feb 18
12:30 –
Room 1

The DiRT on Chaos Engineering @ Google - Prerequisites for Chaos Engineering

12.30pm - 12.50pm

JASON CAHOON: The DiRT on Chaos Engineering @ Google

A shallow dive into 15 years of Chaos Engineering at Google, the lessons we've learned performing many thousands of disaster tests on production systems, and some tips on how to approach getting started with Chaos Engineering at your own organization.

12.50pm - 13.10pm

COURTNEY NASH: Prerequisites for Chaos Engineering

Chaos Engineering is often characterized as “breaking things in production” which lends it an air of something only feasible for elite or sophisticated organizations. In practice, it’s been a key element in digital transformation from the ground up for a number of companies ranging from pre-streaming Netflix to those in highly regulated industries like healthcare and financial services. In this talk, you’ll learn the basic prerequisites for Chaos Engineering, including a couple pragmatic ways to get started.

13.10pm - 13.30pm Q&A