Kelly Shortridge
Speaker at GOTOpia Chaos Engineering Day 2021

Senior Principal, Product Technology at Fastly

  • O’Reilly author on Security Chaos Engineering
  • Previously served in product roles at SecurityScorecard and BAE Systems Applied Intelligence after co-founding IperLane, a security startup

Talks at GOTOpia Chaos Engineering Day 2021

Kelly Shortridge is a Senior Principal in the Office of the CTO at Fastly. She is lead author of Security Chaos Engineering (O'Reilly Media) and is best known for their work on resilience in complex software systems, the application of behavioral economics to cybersecurity, and bringing security out of the dark ages.

Kelly has been a successful enterprise product leader as well as a startup founder (with an exit to CrowdStrike) and investment banker. She frequently advises Fortune 500s, investors, startups, and federal agencies and has spoken at major technology conferences internationally, including Black Hat USA, O'Reilly Velocity Conference, and RSA Conference.

Shortridge’s research has been featured in ACM, IEEE, and USENIX, spanning behavioral science in cybersecurity, deception strategies, and the ROI of software resilience. They also serve on ACM Queue's magazine editorial board.

Topic focus: Security Chaos Engineering.