EDA Day Inclusivity Grant

So many have applied so we have decided to do another round of submissions. Please submit your application before October 11th and we will notify the winners no later than October 15th. Winners of the previous draw will be notified before October 5th.

Here at GOTO, we strive to create an environment where all are welcome. We actively look for a broad range of interesting tech topics and people to join our conference in order to create a unique and inspiring event. As part of this commitment, we want to make it easier for folks from different, underrepresented communities in tech to attend GOTO EDA Day with AWS.

Successful applicants will be awarded grants that include:

  • A free conference pass

Please see our Inclusivity Statement for more details around what inclusivity means to us.

To apply, please fill out the following form.

The deadline to submit an application is October11th, 2023. We'll inform successful applicants by October 15th, 2023.

Special thanks to our Inclusivity Grant sponsor: AWS

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please email info@gotocon.com.